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3437 Driving thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
No matter who has the LEGAL right-of-way, the vehicle with the largest mass truly has the right-of -way.
Shack, Medical Planner, Leimen, Baden Wurttemburg, Germany
(3) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-27)
Current Rating: 6.3 out of 10 based on 16 reviews
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3438 Uncategorized thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
The probability that a country will either go to war or suffer from a revolution is directly proportional to its mean temperature. The higher the temperature, the more likely it will suffer violent revolution or war.
Shack, Medical Planner, Leimen, Baden Wurttemburg, Germany
(3) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-27)
Current Rating: 5.4 out of 10 based on 13 reviews
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3439 Relationships thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
The one that loves the least, has all the power in a relationship.
Sharon Franklin, Graphic Anaylst, MIami, Florida, USA
(1) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-27)
Current Rating: 7.4 out of 10 based on 24 reviews
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3440 Mechanics thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
If a bolt or stud is rusted and twists off in cast iron when you try to remove it, carefully weld on the end of the piece, slowly building it up to project above the cast iron surface about 1/4 inch or so depending on bolt size. Place an appropriate size nut over the projecting weld and weld it in place to the projection. Let it cool slightly, then carefully work with a wrench to remove the bolt end. The heat usually breaks the rust loose.
Martin Sacks, Engineer/Mechanic, Warsaw, Indiana, USA
(1) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-27)
Current Rating: 4.9 out of 10 based on 14 reviews
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3441 Animals thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When you see a snake in the water, is it venomous water moccasin or harmless water snake? A quick and easy way is to look at it's eyes. A moccasin will have elliptical shaped pupils (like a cat) whereas a harmless water snake will have round pupils.
Thomas Pilette, Manager, Tallahassee, Florida, United States
(1) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-27)
Current Rating: 5.9 out of 10 based on 22 reviews
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3443 Business thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
The Laws of Economics will always be overcome by the Laws of Physics
H A Evans, retired, Bloomington, Illinois, USA
(1) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-27)
Current Rating: 4.5 out of 10 based on 16 reviews
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3444 Children thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
If you feel you must spank or hit your child for a misbehavior, NEVER do so while you are angry. The force with which you hit that child will be greater due to your adrenlin flow and you may cause real injury.
Gail Hurd, CSR, San Antonio, Texas, USA
(1) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-27)
Current Rating: 7.7 out of 10 based on 24 reviews
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3445 Cats thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
Kittys hate to eat where they "go" and hate to "go" where they eat. If your kitty is urinating other places than the litter box, check where you have their food. Is it next to the litter box? Kitty would rather risk "going" somewhere else than risk contaminating her food. You wouldn't like to eat on the floor next to your toilet. Neither does she. Move the food and water to the other side of the room - or, better yet, to a different room than the litter box.
Diane, Business Person, Othello, WA, USA
(2) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-27)
Current Rating: 6.8 out of 10 based on 17 reviews
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3446 Cats thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
If your cat is urinating inappropriately in places other than the litter box, and if you have moved food and water away to a different place other than next to the litter box, then carefully clean all places where kitty has urinated with a cleaner designed to break down the enzyme that causes urine odor, and then place a small bowl of food on or next to every place kitty has urinated. Kittys hate to eat where they "go" and hate to "go" where they eat. Food in the urination spots will cause them to reassociate the spot with a place that is improper for elimination practices.
Diane, Business Person, Othello, WA, USA
(2) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-27)
Current Rating: 7.3 out of 10 based on 15 reviews
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3447 Cats thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When you want to push a cat off your lap or prevent it from landing there - ALWAYS push it forward from it's behind, do not push it back from it's front, if you do so it is not able to dig it's claws into your thighs, which is it's automatic response when pushed back.
Eldad Benary, Saugerties, NY, United States
(2) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-27)
Current Rating: 7.8 out of 10 based on 20 reviews
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3448 Automobiles thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
If you are prone to car or bus travel sickness, look out preferably forward, and do not read. Car sickness happens because your brain gets confused by the discrepancy in information coming in from your eyes and your motion sensing. When both information stream match there is no travel sickness.
Eldad Benary, Saugerties, NY, United States
(2) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-27)
Current Rating: 7 out of 10 based on 17 reviews
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